Where is our butler?
The data our butler needs is
stuck in closed ecosystems
We can publish our data on
decentralized data spaces
I am part of the KNoWS lab
Our lab works on
knowledge on Web scale
My research focus is on the
publishing of personal data
Integration of open data
is an optimization problem
Integration of personal data
is a governance problem
We need to extend our data spaces
with governance functionality
We require control of our data
We require usability of our data
We need to track usage of our data
We need control over our data
Policies enforce rules and preferences
Policies provide flexibility in data selection
Policies enable static and dynamic conditions
Agents can negotiate for exceptions
Reasoning provides proof
We need our data to be usable
Interfaces reconcile access and control
Interfaces must reflect our policy requirements
Interfaces provide only requested data
Interfaces enable discovery of additional data
Reasoning provides proof
We need to track usage of our data
We store receipts of data exchanges
Receipts give an overview of data exchanges
Receipts allow us to detect misuse
We create a feedback loop to our policies
Receipts provide provenance
Signatures provide trust
We can automate integration
of our personal data
Policies help us trust
agents in our data space
Interfaces help agents find
relevant data in our data space
Receipts lets us track data usage
and adapt our policies accordingly
There is our butler!